I’ve been struggling through my grief since Jillian died. One day at a time, one tear at a time. I hear her voice, “Fall seven times, Stand up eight”. I know, honey. I hear you. I do try. Am I trying hard enough? I think I am. But I miss you. I’m angry. And there are days that I just really don’t care. I love my children. I love my family and my friends. And yet…
The summer is screaming by me, with no signs of slowing
down. I’m not slowing down. I was hoping that our long awaited vacation
would help with some of that. Would force me to slow down and just be.
And it did.
Just before we left for a week at the cottage I’ve rented
the last few years, I was admitted to the hospital with a kidney stone. I’m
rarely sick, and having to come to terms with the fact that I’m not immune to
illness rattled me. But what really opened my eyes is the health I’d been
taking for granted. I’d been running, chasing, hiding and not appreciative of
the blessing I live with every single day. My health. I’m ashamed. This is not
the first time God wacked me over the head to get my attention. J
On a starlit evening, while fishing with my family, I look
up to our vast universe, shining and blinking in all its majesty. I’m brought
down to the level where I need to be. Grateful. Grateful for my family.
Grateful for our Universe, and grateful for the gift of life.
"I am here tonight. I am alive. I'm with my family, and I'm making memories. It's a pretty big deal".
Today. Today my world has been blessed with two beautiful new souls. My twin granddaughters. I’m overwhelmed with the beauty of it all. The miracle of birth. The love, the strength and the unbreakable bond of family.
Thank you Lord, for Your everlasting gift of life and for all of your continuous blessings. Thank you for Joshua and Kaytie. Please continue to watch over them in the weeks and months ahead as they care for their children.
Welcome, precious girls. Your Mimi loves you.
Sydney Jillian Hayes 6lbs, 2oz
Cheyenne Julia Hayes 5lbs 2oz
Cheyenne Julia Hayes 5lbs 2oz